Thursday 21 October 2010

I wanna be a celebrity chef

Fanny Craddock started it all with her cookery shows piloted on TV in 1955. When 3,000 people turned up to see her cookery demonstration in Edinburgh police were called in for crowd control. Such was the pull of the 'celebrity chef'.

Our love affair with celebrity chefs has grown to mammoth proportions from Delia in the 70's to modern characters such as Gordon Ramsey and Nigella. So what is the attraction to these cooks who parade their culinary skills and finished dishes on our TV screens? I think it has to be that no matter how much a novice you are you always feel that you could create a gastronomic delight just by watching how they do it. So just maybe a little bit of magic will rub off on you and your family will be singing your praises each meal.

I think we're also comforted by the fact that every single time the dishes turn out ok. I mean there can't be that much to cooking after all - can there?

Indeed we are so affected by the celebrity chefs on our screens that stores notice a distinct rise in sales of certain products highlighted in the recipes or cookery shows. 

The celebrity chefs all do one thing they take the oooh out of cooking; - am I doing it right? Should it look like that? What can I serve it with? 

So to expand on the celebrity chefs exemplar lets take the oooh out of cooking with cooking machines and catering equipment explained. All the catering equipment you need for cooking at home or within your catering business can be found on this website.

Happy Cooking – Jane J